When it comes to DIY projects of this magnitude, it’s important to go in with a plan.

You should make sure that you have mapped out every aspect of the roof installation from start to finish.

This guide will provide helpful tips and step-by-step instructions on how to install your roof. Let’s get you started!

The Planning Process

First, ask for help from skilled friends if possible. Having at least one extra person there will make a big difference. It will make the project go faster, and it is a safety net as well.

You’ll need to determine the type of roof you’re going to be installing. Do you have a hip or a gable roof? Are there any valleys, intersects, or any dormers? How many stacks and vents are on the roof? You will also have to estimate the roof pitch.

If you’re not familiar with these roofing terms, check here for a list of words you should know before you start.

Next, pick the style and color of shingles that you want, and get to work!

DIY Guide to Roof Installation

Follow these instructions to install your new roof:

1. Start the Tear Off Process

tear off is a part of the roof installation process

You must tear off the shingles from the old roof. Using a specific tool that resembles a shovel, slide it underneath the ridge of the shingles and pry it upward. Work the jacks loose, and make sure any nails are pounded flat into the structure, or they will poke a hole in your new shingles.

Always start at the peak of the roof and work your way downward. Lastly, ensure that each one of the old shingles is gone once this step is complete.

2. Apply the Drip Edge

This part isn’t 100% necessary, however, it will make the finished product look better. The drip edge is the metal flashing that gets installed along the edges of your roof to assist with guiding a flow of water away from the fascia. It also protects the roofing underneath and prevents curing on your shingles.

Install this component by nailing it to the eaves every few feet, before applying the underlayment.

3. Underlayment Installation

The underlayment will prevent strong wind speed and ice dams from letting water leak into the house. This product is self-adhesive, so all you have to do is peel off the backing and lay it as straight as you can on the deck. If the temperature is warmer it will stick better; if not, you’ll have to use nails to stick it down.

4. Cover Your Roof With Felt Paper

felt paper on roof for roof installation

You’ll sometimes hear the term tar paper when discussing felt paper, no worries, it’s the same thing. You cover your roof with this material to increase the fire rating and to remove water that gets stuck beneath the shingles. Roll it out in small sections and staple it to the deck. You will overlap them to provide optimal coverage.

5. Waterproofing the Valleys

Valleys are important because they direct the water away from your roofing structure. You have to protect them by waterproofing them. For instructions on that process, read how to waterproof valleys.

6. Starter Shingles

Now for the fun part – it’s time to install the starter shingles. This is a crucial step because it’s the foundation of your final shingles. Usually, shingles overlap one another, but starter shingles are different. You lay them flat and right next to each other.

They are about half the size of standard shingles, and they prevent water from creeping in via the seams of your top layer of shingles. This would cause leaks and water damage over time.

7. Install the Shingles

installing shingles

This installation process is time-consuming, but ironically, it’s probably the easiest part of applying a new roof. You overlap the shingles and secure them with your nail gun.

8. Apply the Flashing

This is another one of those extra steps that help to seal your windows, chimneys, or any other fixtures that are connected to the roof.

9. Cap off the Ridge

The shingles along the ridge are the ones along the uppermost part of the roof. There are specially designed shingles for this part, and you need longer nails to secure them because you’re driving the nails through more than one layer of shingles.

10. Seal Everything

Lastly, you’ll clear any remaining debris from the roof, and then you’ll go around and seal any nails that are exposed. You shouldn’t use asphalt sealers because they can get dried out in sunlight, and silicone sealants aren’t really as sturdy.

A roof installation is doable if you take the necessary precautions and purchase quality materials. Be sure to get a few extra bodies to assist you, and as always, safety first! If you find that you want a professional to do your roof replacementRed Canyon is here to help! Contact us today to get your free estimate!